Sunday, January 24, 2021


Where to start.  Suicide. Who is at risk?  Are there signs? Are there no signs?  Have our prevention initiatives been working?  Or is the suicide rate increasing at epidemic levels? 


These are the questions I, and many others, are asking.  We still do not know what causes this tragedy.  Sometimes, there are known mental illnesses.  Sometimes, there are not.  Sometimes, there are signs.  Sometimes, there are not.  And sometimes, there are unclear ‘possible’ signs, but not what someone would deem necessary of any type of intervention.  So, I ask again, who is at risk?  Do we really want to know?  Do we really want to spend our time and funding to try to stop this epidemic?  

Suicide is defined as the act or instance of taking one’s own life voluntarily and intentionally (Merriam-Webster).  It is described as a person’s self-inflicted violence with the intent to obliterate life, which most of the time culminates into serious physical injuries (CDC, 2015).  Here, my question is, how do we know what was in that person’s mind?  How do we know what a person's intentions truly are?  There have been many accounts from suicide survivors who have specifically said they didn't want to die.  They only wanted to stop the pain which had totally engulfed them.  

        Every 40 seconds, a person dies by suicide somewhere in the world, and many more attempt suicide (WHO, 2014). In the young age group of 15-29 year olds, suicide is the second leading cause of death (CDC, 2015).   Since 2015, this number has been updated to the second leading cause of death in 15-34 year-olds, and it is the tenth leading cause of death across all ages (CDC, 2015).  In 2018, 48,344 Americans died by suicide, and there were 1.4 million attempts. Worldwide, 800,000 people died that year by suicide. From these facts and the lack of proper treatment, suicide is now a global health concern.

I’ll ask you this.  If it were your child, your brother or sister, your loved one, would you want to know how to combat it before it’s too late?  If so, then take a crucial step to move forward for research into the scientific causes of suicide.

It’s way past time for us to stop being ‘uncomfortable’ about suicide.  Say the word.  Suicide.  No one wants to, but we must.  Our young people, our sons and daughters, are dying.  They are dying right in front of us, and many times, we don’t even know it’s happening until it’s too late.  Why?  Because of the stigma attached to suicide and to mental disorders.  And because the funding in this area is far lacking of the attention it deserves.

1 out of every 4 Americans experiences a mental health disorder.  Mental = Physical.  Like the heart, lungs, and kidneys, the brain is an organ.  In fact, the brain is the most complex organ in the body.  We need far more research into the areas of mental health diseases and suicide, and all stigma must be removed from those who suffer. 

Research is now being conducted on the effects of genetic components that increase the risk of suicide.  From these findings to date, the research suggests a strong link to inheritance, and therefore, a predisposition for suicidal ideation.  (nihms830663_Epigenetic (1))

This blog site will explore the Science Behind Diseases of the Mind and the Disease of Suicide. The site will, most importantly, be dedicated to our sons and daughters who have suffered at the hands of suicide.

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